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Miami-Dade 2023 Zero-Interest Homebuyer Program: The Complete Guide

The Miami-Dade Zero-Interest Homebuyer Assistance Program is a groundbreaking initiative launched by the Miami-Dade County Commission in 2023. The program offers qualified homeowners an interest-free loan of up to $35,000 for their down payment and closing costs when purchasing a home in the county area.

This generous offer helps families become first time homeowners and increases housing affordability throughout Miami-Dade County.

MakeFloridaYourHome is here to help you take full advantage of this incredible offer so don't wait, apply today! With this program, there has never been a better time to make Florida your home!

Do You Have to Make Payments?

No! The Miami-Dade Zero-Interest Homebuyer Assistance Program does not require payments. Once you are approved, the loan will be disbursed directly to the lender and won't need to be paid back until the first mortgage is paid in full.

You can rest easy knowing that this program is completely interest free, so you won't have to worry about any extra costs or financial burdens associated with your loan.

MakeFloridaYourHome is here to help you make use of this incredible opportunity, so don't hesitate to get started on your journey towards homeownership today! With this program, there has never been a better time to make Florida your home!

A hand holds an arrow over house model and stack of coins

Check Your Eligibility by Income

Are you curious to know if you are eligible for the Miami-Dade Zero-Interest Homebuyer Assistance Program? To find out, you will need to check your income eligibility.

The program is available to any individual making less than $95,620 a year, couples making less than $109,200, three person households making less than $122,920 and households of four or more people making less than $136,500.

If your household falls into one of these categories then congratulations! You may be eligible for this incredible opportunity!

Family Size 1 2
30% $20,500 $23,400
50% $34,150 $39,000
80% $54,600 $62,400
Median 100% $68,300 $78,000
120% $81,960 $93,600
140% $95,620 $109,200

Family Size 3 4
30% $26,350 $29,250
50% $43,900 $48,750
80% $70,200 $78,000
Median 100% $87,800 $97,500
120% $105,360 $117,000
140% $122,920 $136,500

Family Size 5 6
30% $32,470 $37,190
50% $52,650 $56,550
80% $84,250 $90,500
Median 100% $105,300 $113,100
120% $126,360 $135,720
140% $147,420 $158,340

Family Size 7 8
30% $41,910 $46,630
50% $60,450 $64,350
80% $96,750 $103,000
Median 100% $120,900 $128,700
120% $145,080 $154,440
140% $169,260 $180,180

What are the Requirements?

If you're looking to buy your first home, the Miami-Dade County Interest-Free Assistance Program for first-time homebuyers may be a great option for you.

In order to qualify, you must meet certain requirements:

  • Individuals or spouses who have not owned a principal residence in the last three years prior to the purchase of a property.

  • Single parents who have owned a principal residence while married to their former spouse.

  • People who have owned a principal residence not permanently fixed to a foundation, as per applicable regulations.

  • People who have owned a property which is not compliant with state, local or model building codes, and which cannot be made compliant at a cost lower than constructing another permanent structure.

Homebuyer counseling and education is a key requirement for potential homebuyers.

The counseling form must be obtained from an approved Housing and Urban Development agency in order to demonstrate that the homebuyer has received the necessary guidance and information about the purchase process.

It is also required for all potential buyers to complete homebuyer education training, which will provide them with essential knowledge about how to be a successful homeowner.

What are the Loan Terms?

Term - Up to 30 years deferred loan with no interest; unpaid principal balance due at maturity.

Payments - No monthly payment required; unpaid principal balance due upon sale, transfer of title, refinance or death during the term of the down payment loan.

Default/Repayment - Governed by Homebuyer Loan Program’s residency, resale and shared equity restrictions outlined in Ord. No. 15-127.

If property is sold - 100% profit from resale to be paid to County if sold within 1-3 years; 50% profit from resale to be paid to County if sold between 4-6 years; 0% after 6 years.

Let Us Help You is your one-stop resource for making Florida your home through the Miami-Dade Zero-Interest Homebuyer Assistance Program.

This generous offer has helped countless families become first time homeowners and achieve their dreams of owning a home in the county area. With no interest and up to $35,000 in loan assistance, it has never been easier to become a Miami-Dade homeowner.

Don’t wait, apply today and make Florida your home with the help of! With this program, there has never been a better time to make Florida your home!

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